Welcome to Postman's Cosmic Courses: Fundamentals!

You're likely exploring this course if you're new to Postman or the API space.

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Please note that this presentation and its content is meant to provide brief overviews on the included topics. If you desire more information or detail, then please reach out to your Postman account team or participate in discussions at community.postman.com.

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Course Roadmap

Now, let's explore some stories that might drive your needs from this course.

An introduction to APIs and Postman

The Postman API Platform delivers everything you need for the entire API lifecycle. With Postman, you can create better APIs—faster.

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What is an API?

“API” stands for Application Programming Interface. APIs act as data liaisons, enabling software to communicate with other software. It's no wonder they've become the foundation of modern software development!

Sometimes trickier concepts are more easily understood through analogies, so let’s imagine a digital restaurant in which there are three characters.

A patron - the client, or application, at the restaurant

A waiter - the API, or middle service, at the restaurant

A chef - the server that assembles data, or ingredients, and intimately knows the data structures of the database

In this example, the API offered up a menu to the client from which the client could choose what to consume. Watch Claire Froelich expand more on this example in this video.

Note - Play video until the 3:40 (3 minutes and 40 seconds) timestamp for an expansion on this example or play the entire video, which runs for about 65 minutes, for a deeper dive into APIs.

API-First Development and the API Lifecycle

What does it mean to be API-First?

"An API-first approach assumes the design and development of an application programming interface (API) comes before the [code] implementation", as Joyce discusses in this article.

What is the API Lifecycle?

The lifecycle of an API can be considered from two perspectives: The Consumer and the Producer. For an API consumer, the lifecycle is every step taken by a user from discovering a new API to integrating that API into a workflow. For a producer, the lifecycle of an API is every step taken to develop an API from designing and mocking all the way to publishing in a production environment.

Got about 3 minutes? For a deeper dive into API-first development and a look into the API lifecycle, check out the video on the next slide.

This graphic novel helps explain the benefits of being API-first. Check it out.

How does Postman interact with APIs?

Postman is a collaborative platform for building, using, and testing APIs. It uses HTTP, or hypertext transfer protocol, to transmit data in a request-response cycle.

More than 17 million people use Postman and for many teams, Postman is an everyday tool used to interact with APIs.

We'll dive deeper into the Request-Response cycle, or pattern, in an upcoming learning path. However, if you're curious to learn more about how Postman leverages this pattern, you can find more information about that here.

Other Tools and Postman's Differentiators

Another tool often used by developers to interact with APIs is cURL. cURL, which stands for client URL, is a command line tool that developers use to transfer data to and from a server. Sound familiar?

gif of curl command usage

Not all developers can work easily with walls of text and many prefer the graphical user interface Postman offers.

gif of postman usage

Advantages of using Postman

You can find more information about the advantages of using Postman here.

Knowledge Check!

What are APIs and how does Postman use them?

When you feel you can answer the question above, spend about 8 minutes practicing making requests with Valentin Despa in this introductory video.

OR try your hand at our API 101 collection!

Click here to go back to the top of this learning path.

Debugging and testing an API

Postman can be used to write functional tests, integration tests, regression tests, and more. Testing your API's effectiveness is an integral part of ensuring you ship out high quality products.

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Request-Response Cycle

Debugging an API involves understanding the anatomy of a request and response from an API.

Whenever we are transmitting data (whether information is coming FROM or going TO a database), we are interacting with an API in a request-response cycle.

Some things we would find in a request are a Method and an Endpoint with a Path.

A request can also include Parameters, Headers, and a Body.

When testing an API, it's especially important to understand the anatomy of a response from the API.

Developers pay close attention to status codes, headers, and response bodies that APIs return.


Postman allows users to either write their own tests or select a test from snippets. Tests can analyze response data in order to ensure the expected information was retrieved or sent.

There are pre-request and test scripts that can be developed. The order of operations for those scripts is pictured below.

For more practice testing APIs, check out Valentin Despa walk through the anatomy of a response and writing tests in this 15-minute video clip.

You can also check out this blog post written by Joyce, which covers the topic of chaining requests - a useful strategy for testing an entire request workflow, using the previously mentioned order of operations.

Please also check out 20 minutes of our Space Camp Webinar: An Introduction for Testers. Here, you'll find more information about Unit, End-to-End, and Contract testing from Carson and Sean.


Beyond writing tests, setting up monitors is another way to keep tabs on the health of API collections and the requests within them. We'll dive into monitors in a follow-up presentation learning path, but if you're curious about using them now, please check out our learning docs.

Knowledge Check!

What steps should you take in Postman to test an API?

When you feel you can answer the question above, feel free to explore any or all of the following:

Click here to go back to the top of this learning path.

Collaboration in Postman

Postman enables you to collaborate across your organization or across the world. The collaborative nature of Postman ensures that communication throughout API development never has to be a hurdle when forking, merging, writing documentation, making pull requests, and asking for feedback on changes for example.

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There are many different ways to collaborate within Postman. To begin, let's review some key concepts about workspaces.

Workspaces allow users to group related APIs, collections, environments, mocks, and monitors. There are four levels of visibility in workspaces.

  1. Public - These workspaces enable collaboration on elements with anyone across the world. More info in this video. (10 minutes)
  2. Team - These workspaces enable access to be shared and managed with a team. More info in this video. (11 minutes)
  3. Personal - These workspaces are visible only to you.
  4. Private - Professional and Enterprise users can limit visibility of this workspace to invited members.

Roles in Postman

Postman's role-based access control system gives users the power to tailor visibility and workflows in a way that meets teams' needs.

Roles can be divided into 4 levels (or scopes), each with varying degrees of access. Select a level below to get a closer look into their access details.

As an admin, you can manage roles by navigating to
Team > Manage Team > Manage Roles

More documentation can be found here.

There are 3 roles now: Admin, Editor, and Viewer.

  • Admins have full control over workspace resources and settings.
  • Editors can create and edit all workspace elements but can't change the workspace's visibility, name, description, and people’s roles in it.
  • Viewers can view everything in a workspace. They can send requests and fork collections and environments.

Please note that the Collaborator role can no longer be assigned to anyone as it's replaced with Editor and Viewer roles.

Role management is available on Professional and Enterprise plans only.

A Note about Roles and Security

Community Manager is a Team role in Postman that can help address concerns about security. In this role, a user can view and manage everything that’s made public by their team. Spend 2 minutes reading about this role and governing public API collections in this blog post by Avinash.

Sharing to Workspaces

To share an API, collection, or environment, navigate to the left-most side of Postman to select the element you wish to share. Then, from the dropdown in the "..." menu, select Share __.

In the share modal, select the workspace you want to share the entity to. Team members in the target workspace will be able to access the entity when you share it there.

Other Ways to Share

In addition to sharing to workspaces, elements can be shared via embedding or public JSON link.

Be advised that anyone on the internet can see collection information when sharing with a public JSON link, not just those with collection access. This can be managed by /Team Admins and Community Managers using the Public Link Management feature. You can find more information about this in our docs.


Commenting allows teams to collaborate live while working on APIs in Postman. There are several ways to comment on various components within collections. Find more information about commenting in this documentation.

API Network

The API Network is a centralized repository of APIs, Collections, and Workspaces. You can use API networks to browse what others in the API community are building. There are public and private API networks.

Discoverability of APIs is made possible via the Public and Private API Networks, which can reduce or eliminate redundant work.

The Public API Network allows users to fork others' collections and environments into their own workspaces. You can find it by visiting explore.postman.com

You can share the APIs that your team uses internally to the Private API Network. Your team can learn about and access these APIs and start using them right away.

Users must be granted access into private API networks.

Spend 7 minutes with Meenakshi as she explains the Private API Network

Version Control

There are a variety of utilities available within Postman to enable users to version control collections and APIs.

We can logically divide these utilities into three functions:

  • Change-Management
  • Change-Notification
  • Change-Recording

Our change-management utilities allow users to fork, merge, see differences, and submit pull requests. Developer teams use these processes to work together on the same projects.

Check out Joyce walking through the previously mentioned steps in this 2-minute video.


The watch option allows you to receive an email/in-app notification when one of your team member belonging to the same workspace modifies the collection. If you watch a collection, you will be notified of actions such as adding a new request, modifying the existing requests, adding or updating variables, editing pre-request scripts or tests, adding or deleting a folder and so on.

Find more information about change notifications here.


Changes are recorded in the Postman changelog.

The changelog is located on the far right of the Postman application when a collection or API version is selected. The changelog for a workspace is known as History and can be found on the far left. You can find it by selecting the clock symbol.

Another place to find changes recorded is the "Activity Feed" section of the workspace home page.

Knowledge Check!

Name one way a developer can collaborate within Postman and how that process affects productivity.

When you feel you can answer the question above, feel free to explore our Collaboration mini course, under "Bootcamp", which can be found on the bottom right of the application once you've entered any workspace.

Got about 40 minutes and need a refresher or just prefer absorbing the material in this learning path differently? Watch Kin, Nick, and Joyce demo what collaboration on a team can look like in Postman here.

Click here to go back to the top of this learning path.

You did it!

If you've progressed through each of the learning paths, congratulations! You've explored...

  • APIs and Postman
  • Ensuring APIs work as intended
  • Collaborating in Postman

We hope this presentation helped answer some questions. If not, we'd like to know how we can improve this resource. Please take a moment to submit feedback here.